Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mandatory Gay Pride Horror

In response to “Firefighters seek to sue over forced ‘gay pride,’ The Washington Times A 5, August 10th), I must react with absolute outrage and disgust. The four firefighters should be commended for suing their department for the overt abuse and sexual harassment that they endured from homosexual perverts. Although the firemen were also subjected to ridicule from Christian conservatives who opposed the gay parade, it was not surprising that it was the liberated, boisterous homosexuals who conducted themselves in a domineering and unruly manner. The Family Research Council reported through email that lesbian chief Tracy Jarmen apologized for the mistreatment that the firefighters received acknowledging all forms of harassment as unacceptable, but went on to indicate that the department “has an established tradition of accepting invitations from diverse community groups…to march in parades” (Family Research Council, August 8th).

Somehow, I have much doubt that the “diverse community groups” would include activism from a conservative worldview. For further edification, I would like to know how many invitations the San Diego Fire Department has accepted from the local National Right to Life? Would firefighters be required to participate in a three-hour parade for the rights of the unborn? How about a march to protect America’s borders from invading illegal immigrants? Here is an even better example: Suppose a Bible-believing Christian fundamentalist fire chief required four of his firemen, who happened to be homosexuals, to attend a pro-marriage rally. During the event, the four homosexuals were derided as pro-family advocates referred to them as “queers,” and “sinners,” along with other insulting terms. Bible tracts were tossed at them as they were told that they are going to burn in hell for eternity. There is no doubt that such a story would dominate the headlines of every newspaper in this country. If a demagogue fire chief with blatant political activism were to require his firemen to attend a parade for any of the aforementioned causes, there would undoubtedly be a firestorm of protests from liberals, feminists, and other activists groups such as the ACLU. Any fire chief would likely be terminated for violating the ethos of the firemen along with the improper authority of using the city department to endorse a parade of political propaganda.

Furthermore, what does the mandatory attendance of a homosexual parade have to do with the job description of a firefighter and why were these four men coerced into being a part of this corrupting parade? One could fully understand a fire chief requiring some of his men to participate in a Memorial Day parade or some other traditional holiday observed by Americans. It would likely be a responsibility that most firemen would gladly want to be a part of.

In summary, I am disappointed, but not surprised, with the lack of media coverage over this most disturbing case of sexual exploitation. Perhaps my strong disapproval of homosexual crusaders as sordid and misguided sinners in defiance of God and basic biology is a waning position to maintain in the United States. However, it is the Biblical view regarding the recruiting indoctrinators of sexual immorality.

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